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Attorney at law, specialist in commercial and company law and founding partner of the firm Studio Legale Lanza Associati; member of Unilex, an attorneys' association that includes a number of business consulting firms, primarily in the sector of company and commercial law.

He has considerable professional experience, at the national and international level, garnered in handling significant cases of the acquisition, sale and merger of companies and groups in various sectors, such as: construction; acquisitions of various companies for leading international groups in the sectors of food packaging, centrifuges and milk and oil processing plants, electricity and telephony, electronics, energy, and natural gas in particular, boating, toys, distribution and healthcare.

Counsel and advice concerning financing transactions on various markets, in significant national and international arbitration proceedings and stock exchange listing procedures.

He has served in important capacities on boards of directors, such as:
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa Laval Spa;
- Director of the publishing firm Einaudi;
- Director of Carimilo;
- Director of the Vidas Foundation.

He is active at conferences on legal issues, and most recently: speaker at the convention organised by the Rome International Chamber of Commerce concerning the administrative liability of entities.

In 1962 he graduated with honours with a degree in Administrative Law from the University of Milan with a thesis on expropriation for the public good.

In 1963 he joined the offices of Cesare Grassetti, a tenured lecturer in civil law at the University of Milan and owner of one of Italy's most highly regarded firms, where he gained experience in commercial and company law, while also working and studying abroad:
- course in international private law at the Hague Academy of International Law;
- internship at the Directorate General for Steel of the European Coal and Steel Community in Luxembourg, where he studied the law governing the manufacture and marketing of steel.

He was admitted to the Milan Bar Association in 1966 and included in the Special Register of Higher Court Attorneys in 1976.